The last few years have each held a theme for me, something that I've tried to focus on during the year, a specific area where I need to grow and allow the Lord to work in me. You can check out the last few here.
This year is going to be quite the year in my life. It's going to be a year full of beginnings and adventures and a lot of firsts. And those are things I know are coming...
Thursday, January 01, 2015
Friday, November 14, 2014
One Year
I recently came across this on Pinterest.
Could this be any more true in my life?
A year ago today, a chapter ended that I didn't want to end. I didn't see how there was going to be a happy ending if that chapter was over. I knew it could happen, but I just didn't see how just yet.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Falling into Sweater Weather
By Unknown
11:17 AM
Adventures, Blessings, Family, Friends, Fun Times, Seasons, Travel, Truth
No comments
Though a few days this week are still topping out above the 80 degree mark, September is here and with it is coming cool nights and not-so-hot days. I adore fall and the crispness in the air, pumpkin everything (Despite its rampant trendiness that usually makes me stop liking something, I'm still...
Monday, August 25, 2014

It's Monday.
Honestly, Mondays are one of my favorite days. There are lots of reasons I typically enjoy Mondays, but one of the best is Monday Night Dinner (MND). MND is a long-standing tradition at ChezMK where Miranda and I host 10-15 of our closest friends for an evening of dinner and...
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Two Years at LBM!

A couple months ago, I sat down with Patricia Spangler from Missions Radio to share about my work with Living Bread. It was a privilege to tell her about how I transitioned into this position and how it's been a blessing to me to serve with this ministry! You can listen to this brief interview...