This weekend my heart has been in a constant state of overflow. I took last Thursday and Friday off work to participate in all the wedding festivities of my dear friends Jennifer and Clifton. Jenn and Clif are two of my closest friends, and they have been a big part of why I love my current life/work/friend situation. Getting to push pause on "real life" and indulge in a fairy tale wedding weekend was nothing less than magical.
I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed all weekend. Overwhelmed with joy. Overwhelmed with awe. Overwhelmed with love. And I wasn't even the one getting married!
First of all, Jenn and Clif are a special couple. I've gotten to watch them grow together and figure out the ins and outs of establishing a romantic relationship in the context of being best friends first. Their relationship is fun and endearing. They are a picture of love in its ultimate sense: forgiving and patient, caring and genuine. But most of all, they love Jesus, and this love is reflected in their relationship. They desire to reflect the love of Christ through their marriage. Getting to observe this in Jenn and Clif has given me an even greater appreciation for marriage and made me more excited to experience it some day. It's easy to get caught up in the romance of weddings and of relationships in general, but the true romance is one that chooses love even on days when someone is unlovable, one that is selfless when it's much easier to be selfish. I was super excited about the wedding this weekend, but I am also super excited to watch Jenn and Clif continue to grow in their love in the context of marriage. Love them.
Secondly, the whole weekend, I was surrounded by people I love. The wedding party was made up of some of my closest friends, and we had way too much fun spending the days celebrating! From planning and coordinating different things with Miranda, my wonderful roommate, to bonding with a couple of the bridesmaids from out of town, to the "after-party" with a few friends after dancing the night away left us tired and blistered. It has come up several times in the last couple weeks how blessed I am with the friends I have. The community of young adults who love the Lord and are passionate about glorifying him with their lives is worth more than I often realize. So, so thankful for these people with whom I get to share life.
With the lovely couple, Clifton and Jennifer! |
My heart is so full, it can't help but overflow...