So, I like football. I didn't grow up watching (or understanding) it, so my affection for the sport is recently acquired. Though I have three brothers, we weren't really a sports family. Tennis was our most frequently watched and played sport. We're more of a mental exercise family. We play board game and card games and correct each others' grammar and know way too many random facts. Give us a word game, and we'll give you a run for your money. Challenge us in a team sport, and you'll [probably] win (probably) every time.
So, being the only girl (well, one of the two, if you count my mom) in a family of six, you'd think me liking football would be pretty expected. However, I'm the anomaly in the family BECAUSE I like football. Seriously. My dad teases me about it.
My team is the Steelers. This is important for you to know. I love me some black and gold.
I went to my first pro football game earlier this year - the AFC Championship in Heinz Field. Pittsburgh beat the Jets. Yay! It was 6 degrees. Literally. Great experience, but very cold.
Last month, I went to my second NFL game. Also in Heinz Field. Also won by Pittsburgh. It was significantly warmer. Here's a little glimpse of my fun in Pennsylvania:
I love the picture with the single terrible towel waving, and I love that you love the Steelers with me. <3